Support for job search

We want to support you in your job search! A legislative amendment made in the summer 2024 expanded the role of unemployment funds, allowing us to actively support our members in finding employment.

As our member, you have access to free guidance and advisory services related to job seeking, provided by our specialised partner organisations.

Participation in services that support employment is voluntary and free of charge for our members. You can decide whether to use these services. Using or not using the services will not affect your unemployment benefits.

Coolla’s career and job search services

Coolla’s service package includes tips for job searching, instructions for creating a CV, and tools to articulate your skills. You can also submit your CV through the service to receive feedback from an expert. The services are provided by Coolla Oy, a company specialising in career and job search services.

You can explore our services by logging into the eService portal.

Within the service package for supporting job searches, websites featuring open job vacancies are highlighted. These websites are:

Become a member

Unemployment fund membership gives you security if you ever become unemployed. We offer our members fast, friendly and professional service in unemployment security matters.

  • Membership fee is only €6,5/month.
  • You can join us regardless of what sector you work in.
  • Union members also get support for employment contract matters.
  • Secure your future. We are here for you!