Aaria Unemployment Fund is open to all employees in the private and public sectors. We will support you when you go through changes in your career.
You can apply for earnings-related allowance from us. Learn more about earnings-related allowance and read the application instructions. If you have any questions, please contact us. Our experts are here for you.
If you are working part-time or occasionally, you may be entitled to earnings-related allowance. When you work part-time, your allowance is adjusted according to your earned income.
If you get laid off by your employer, you can apply for earnings-related allowance from us. Earnings- related allowance can be paid during both full-time and part-time lay-off.
We provide our members with guidance and advice aimed at assisting and supporting them in their job search. The services are provided by our partner organisations specialising in career and job search support.
Aaria Unemployment Fund’s Meeting of the Council of RepresentativesThe meeting will take place on Wednesday 21 May 2025 starting at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held online...
TJS Opintokeskus job search training for Aaria membersWe offer our members job search training in collaboration with TJS Opintokeskus. In the Spring 2025 training series, you will...
Aaria is now supporting you in your job searchStarting in March 2025, we are offering new services to support our members in their job search. These services are...
Petteri Syväoja Appointed as the New Fund Director of Aaria Unemployment FundThe Board of Aaria Unemployment Fund has appointed Petteri Syväoja as the new Fund Director. He will assume his duties...
Earnings-related allowance during the strikeCollective agreement negotiations have increased the likelihood of strikes in some sectors. The unemployment funds will not pay a strike...
Invoices for the membership fee has been sent to individual membersUnemployment Fund Aaria’s membership fee in 2025 is 6,5 euros per month or 78 euros for the entire year. We have...
Our experts will help you with any questions you may have. Get in touch.
Customer serviceRead instructions on how to submit your application and supporting documents
Read application instructionsUse the allowance calculator to estimate the amount of your earnings-related allowance
Open the calculatorHere you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questionsUnemployment fund membership gives you security if you ever become unemployed. We offer our members fast, friendly and professional service in unemployment security matters.