Restrictions on alternation allowances

There are some restrictions on the payment of alternation allowances. We cannot pay you an alternation allowance if

  • you are being paid to work for the employer from whom you took alternation leave during your alternation leave,
  • you work full-time for more than two weeks for another employer,
  • you are receiving annual holiday pay or other payments in lieu of leave,
  • you are performing military service, alternative service or voluntary military service for women,
  • you are serving a custodial sentence,
  • you run a business full-time,
  • you are receiving an early old-age pension, a guarantee pension, an individual early retirement pension or a full old-age pension,
  • you are receiving sickness benefits or partial sickness benefits under the Health Insurance Act,
  • you are receiving a disability pension or cash rehabilitation benefits,
  • you are receiving a maternity, special maternity, paternity, pregnancy, special pregnancy or parental allowance or a special care allowance under the Health Insurance Act,
  • you have been granted leave due to pregnancy, childbirth or child care, or
  • you are receiving a rehabilitation allowance or compensation for loss of earnings under the provisions concerning rehabilitation in the Accident Insurance Act, the Motor Liability Insurance Act or the Military Accident Insurance Act.

Become a member

Unemployment fund membership gives you security if you ever become unemployed. We offer our members fast, friendly and professional service in unemployment security matters.

  • Membership fee is only €6,5/month.
  • You can join us regardless of what sector you work in.
  • Union members also get support for employment contract matters.
  • Secure your future. We are here for you!