Studying with unemployment benefits
You can receive an earnings-related allowance while you study if
- you satisfy the eligibility criteria for an earnings-related allowance, and
- the employment authority has determined that your studies qualify you for unemployment benefits.
Make sure to tell the employment authority about both your current studies and any new courses you are starting well in advance. The employment authority will make an assessment as to whether or not you are entitled to an earnings-related allowance during your studies and give a statement to your unemployment fund.
You also use up your maximum earnings-related allowance period while you study. Your entitlement to an earnings-related allowance may therefore run out before you finish your studies. If that happens, you can apply for labour market subsidies from the Social Insurance Institution (SII).
If you satisfy the employment requirement while engaged in labour market training or independent study, we will not recalculate the amount of your earnings-related allowance. Your earnings-related allowance can only be recalculated and the maximum period reset once you have finished your studies.
You can find out more about different kinds of training options on the employment authority’s website.
Labour market training
Labour market training is one of the services that the employment authority provides to promote employment. If you have agreed with the employment authority to include labour market training in your employment plan and the training begins no later than 31 December 2024, your unemployment fund can add an earnings-related increment to your earnings-related allowance for the duration of your labour market training. You can receive the earnings-related increment for a maximum period of 200 days.
In addition to your earnings-related allowance, you can also receive an allowance towards your expenses while engaged in labour market training. Expense allowances are not paid for periods during which classes are not run due to holidays, however.
Independent study
‘Independent study’ means courses that you find yourself but that the employment authority evaluates in respect of whether or not they qualify you for unemployment benefits. If the employment authority concludes that your studies make you eligible for unemployment benefits, we can pay you an earnings-related allowance for the duration of your course.
More information about circumstances in which independent study qualifies you for unemployment benefits is available from the employment authority.
If you have agreed with the employment authority to include independent study in your employment plan and the studies begin no later than 31 December 2024, your unemployment fund can add an earnings-related increment to your earnings-related allowance for the duration of your studies. You can receive the earnings-related increment for a maximum period of 200 days.
Independent study does not qualify you for an expense allowance.
Short-term study
If you have found a course yourself and your studies take less than six months, you can attend the course while receiving an earnings-related allowance. However, the employment authority must first confirm that you qualify for an earnings-related allowance while you study.
More information about circumstances in which short-term study qualifies you for unemployment benefits is available from the employment authority.
You cannot be paid an earnings-related increment or an expense allowance while engaged in short-term study.
Part-time study
Part-time study does not prevent the payment of an earnings-related allowance. The employment authority can conclude that you are studying part-time if, for example, you have little coursework or you keep working throughout your studies.
You cannot be paid an earnings-related increment or an expense allowance while studying part-time.
Earnings-related increment
If you have agreed with the employment authority to include independent study or labour market training in your employment plan and the studies begin no later than 31 December 2024, we can add an earnings-related increment to your earnings-related allowance for the duration of your studies. You can receive the earnings-related increment for a maximum period of 200 days.
The earnings-related increment can also be paid for periods between studies, if the gap is no more than seven calendar days.
If services are organised in separate segments that are not continuous, the increased earnings-related component will not be paid for segments starting on or after 1 January 2025.
You can learn more about the earnings-related increment under Amount of the earnings-related allowance.
You can use our daily allowance calculator to estimate the amount of your earnings-related allowance.
Expense allowance for periods of study
In addition to your earnings-related allowance, you can also receive an allowance towards your expenses while engaged in labour market training.
Expense allowances cannot be paid for
- periods during which labour market training classes are not run due to holidays
- periods of independent study
- periods of short-term study and
- periods of part-time study.
The allowance is EUR 9 per day and can be paid for up to five days a week. No tax is payable on expense allowances.
You may also qualify for a higher expense allowance, which is EUR 18 per day. We can pay you the higher amount if you attend labour market training outside of your working area. You can also qualify for the higher expense allowance if you attend labour market training outside of the municipality in which you live and if you incur expenses from having to stay overnight.
The employment authority will let your unemployment fund know in its statement whether you should be paid the standard expense allowance or the higher amount.